Energy is real

Come see your soul in color


We are here to witness all that you already are.

Ignite Your Aura bridges the gap between photography and spirituality. We believe energy is felt, not seen. Every living thing has an aura, a subtle energy that connects us all. Your unique expression that makes you, you.



Experience Aura Photography

Before you arrive, we set the space and call in the highest vibrations to let your aura truly shine.

Once you arrive, you will be guided through the process of placing your hands on our bioelectric feedback technology.  We will connect you back to your breath, and ground you into the experience.  

After your photo is taken, we will sit down to do an intuitive reading and interpretation of the aura. This is a special part of the experience that gives you insight into what your aura reveals in the present moment, and how you can work with the energy to either inspire  or shift you. 

You are the creator.



“Move Closer To Where You Feel You Shine The Most.”


Thoughts on the experience


“I thought I was coming in just to do something fun… what I left with was a confirmation + confidence in who I am + where I am going in life! Not only do I have a rock’n photo to keep forever… but also I was able to feel seen + inspired by the beautiful talents of Corinna + Matt. How they helped me see myself will always be my most treasured gift!”  

- Ash K

"I absolutely loved working with Corinna to receive my amazing Aura photo & reading! I was amazed & excited at how it caught the essence of me in such powerful & wonderful way that I now have a record of forever! What a gift! Thank you! 💝 💝 💝.”

- Kim M

"I've been to several different events that feature Ignite Your Aura Photography. In every instance, the aura photographs created a fun, light buzz amongst the participants! Such a great way for event participants to break the ice and connect! I highly recommend IYA photo as an addon to your event or as the main focus for your event."

- Joshua P | Event Coordinator